
로그인 회원가입
  • 영상,사진
  • 전기.전자분야
  • 영상,사진

    식품.친환경분야 멸치 진공포장

    페이지 정보

    조회Hit 3,228회   작성일Date 09-03-27 08:42


    • 건어물 멸치 진공포장
    • 사용모델 AZ-4500E 탁상형 노즐식 진공포장기

    • This is a vacuum sealer for Dried fish.
    • The general function of AIRZERO Vacuum packing machine is to keep freshness, fragnance, and Nutrition and to extend Shelf life, etc.
    • AIRZERO is a new concept of vacuum packaging machine. Different from chamber type, AIRZERO does vacuum sealing directly the inside of vacuum bag by using a nozzle stroke. So, the vacuum sealing is done very quickly.
    • AIRZERO vacuum sealer is exported to more than 50 countries with best quality, competitive price and various models to fit for your production line's need.
    • For more information, please refer to our website, www.airzero.co.kr

    • にぼし ??のみ 
    • にぼし ??のみの映像です。
    • ?空包? ガス置換タイプとの違いをぜひ見てください。
    • ご確認宜しくお願い致します。
    Total 545건 5 페이지
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